HOME Spiritual Center
A Metaphysical Spiritual Center
Est. 1992
Salem Oregon's Historic Metaphysical Sanctuary

Rev. Jay Smith Jr.'s interest in spirituality and Metaphysics was sparked in 1960 in an unconventional way. When Jay finished college his landlady told him he needed a spiritual life. She said the best way to do that was to introduce him to various religions. After many attempts without feeling a connection Jay was ready to stop his search. The landlady insisted he try one more – a Spiritualist Church. The minute he walked in a connection was made and Jay’s spiritual gifts were revealed to him. After that visit, Jay began Metaphysical Studies culminating with his Doctorate of Divinity. He went on to become the Senior Minister at the Center of Psychic Science and was there for 10 years.
In 1982 Jay moved to the Willamette Valley in Oregon to attend summer classes at Western Oregon University. Once here, he connected with the rhythm and spiritual energies of the trees, the valley, the ocean and the mountains. He knew he’d finally found home.
In 1995 after searching for the perfect location, he purchased the property that today stands as The HOME Spiritual Center. Jay was a leader in the New Thought community for decades. He was highly sought out for his intuitive abilities to connect with spirit and for providing an environment where seekers can be comfortable to explore all the possibilities life has to offer them; a place where you can learn to "empty your "‘trouble basket" as Jay liked to call it and to obtain inner peace.
In 2022 Jay transitioned. During his Celebration of Life many attendees spoke about the impact Jay had on their lives. Jay would always say that Spirit speaks to us in many ways and he always encouraged people to be open and receptive to listen and learn. While Jay may no longer be here in his physical form, his work and his spirit lives on.