HOME Spiritual Center
Metaphysical Spiritual Center
Est. 1992
Helping Ourselves Master Everyday
Founded in Faith-Joined in Love-Kept by God
Our Vision
Our Vision for the HOME Spiritual Center is to be a center of excellence in spirituality and wellbeing.
Our Mission
The Mission of the HOME Spiritual Center is to empower, teach, inspire, and support the spirituality and wellbeing of the individual, family, community and the world through services, events, classes, workshops, and healing practices.
Our Ministerial Team
The HOME Spiritual Center Ministerial Team has been providing congregational spiritual support and inspiration since 1992. By following our Guiding Principles our Team can help individuals gain spiritual understanding and a philosophy that reflects Christ’s consciousness. The Ministerial Teams goal is to help seekers tap in to their own inner wisdom and empowerment and to support their relationship with the Divine.
Our Ministers provide continual leadership, spiritual support and inspiration to our congregants as well as our community. They do this by listening deeply, identifying the needs of their congregants and by providing tools and strategies necessary to master your own world every day. By providing those tools, individuals are better able to connect to their own deep wisdom and empowerment and ultimately confidence is built.