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HOME Spiritual Center  

Helping Ourselves Master Everyday


Our Vision: HOME Spiritual Center is a center of excellence in spirituality and wellbeing.


Our Mission:  To empower, teach, inspire, and support the spirituality and wellbeing of the individual, family, community, and the world through services, classes, workshops, and healing practices. 


​Our Guiding Principles​

  • To recognize our Divine Connection

  • To encourage each other to live empowered, fulfilling and joyful lives

  • To appreciate our commonalities and differences   

  • To be mindful and considerate in our communications and interactions  

  • To take ownership of my actions

  • To have an attitude of gratefulness

  • To give generously of my time, talents and resources

  • To give generously of my time, talents and resources.

  • To ensure the HOME Spiritual Center and its community thrives now and into the future


Our Goal: To know that we are free and unlimited and act accordingly.


​The HOME Spiritual Center is a spiritual community dedicated to awakening the potential in all of us. HOME is an acronym for "Helping Ourselves Master Everyday. Our founder had stated that "We're not here to save people. We're here to help them do their journey." A non-denominational metaphysical church service is held on Sunday mornings and a Wednesday evening educational meeting with intuitive readings takes place. The recorded weekly Sunday services, minus music can be viewed here, on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page. Monthly events and workshops are sponsored based on metaphysical concepts such as a drum circle, Reiki, intuitive messages, developing psychic abilities, and separate men's and women's groups. . A Mind Body Spirit Fair is hosted twice yearly and holds the distinction of being the longest running spiritual fair in Salem, Oregon.​


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